NOTES: (02/10/02)
- Red and Green:
Boost started at 14 psi when the second turbos came on line at around 5K RPMs.
At around 6.4K RPMs, the boost dropped to 13 psi and stayed there until
- Purple: Boost was at 12 psi when I
looked at the gauge. By looking at the graph, it looks like the boost
fell off a little at around 6.6K RPMs. I was not looking at the gauge the
entire time so I cannot explain exactly what happened. My guess is it fell
to 11-11.5 psi at 6.6K RPMs.
In all three graphs, the engine continued to make power past 7700 RPMs.
Next time I will make sure the engine is wound out to 8K RPMs so I can see
exactly where the power begins to taper off.
From here, my plans are to install an adjustable fuel pressure regulator, get
the car checked and tuned with a wide lambda O2 sensor and go for a dyno run at
15 psi.